Saturday, September 17, 2022

Independence Day (which is also my birthday) in Rome 🇧🇿

So many artists, creatives and systems changers go about doing their daily work with little to no support. But once in a while someone reaches out a helping hand of encouragement, advise or financial investment. These are the moments that enable us to keep going despite the daily hardships that come along with walking the path to our destiny. This afternoon as I sit here enjoying the first of my final four days of fortysomethinghood, I feel thankful for all the work being done by strong heart minded people to nudge us all toward that life path of purpose set out before us as we chose our mission. Yes our patriotism and national pride propel us to a shared identity, but our life purpose and pursuit are what bind us to each other and the legacy we prepare to leave behind. Not for the glory but rather for the wellness of those who will one day follow in our footsteps. Let's keep supporting one another to dream bigger, feel deeper, and cast a wider net as we continue to pursue the dreams that will lead us all to the highest possible achievement: balance. 

Tara A. Chadwick
Four days before September 21, 2022

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