Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Art as Activism?

Ihiyo & Lichtenstein @ #MarcSelwynFineArt

It's Basel time here in South Florida. Art Basel Miami started out nearly two decades ago as a hoite-toite contemporary art show that corresponded to the longer running #MiamiArtWeek.  This was in the days when Wynwood was still that part of town that nobody went to, unless you happen to live there, or you went looking with your family for a cheap pair of shoes factory-direct.

A photo posted by Tara Chadwick (@bawshkeengwabigun) on
Photo credit: Adrienne Chadwick

Wynwood these days is the heart of what an international influx of people-who-value-art can do in a community. Don't get me wrong, Wynwood is about Miami, and Art Basel is all about people coming to Miami to experience international contemporary art in the setting, that quintessential ambience that is South Florida.

And local folks are catching the Basel bug big time. Over the past ten years, more and more you hear Basel becoming part of the year round conversations on art, exhibitions and museum planning. It's an informal kick off, so to speak, of what we call "the season."  No, not the holidays - the season extends way beyond them. It's that time of year when the leaves start changing and the bulk of our states 100+ million visitors start making their way through our ports and into our streets, shops and parking spaces.  So when you're visiting Basel, your transportation experience will likely mirror the patience with which we Floridians take every October through April...

But overall we have come to love Basel - with all it's internationalism, luxury and let's face it, buying power. This art show is about featuring art with the hopes that it will be snapped up by one of the many big name art collectors, who is in turn, hoping that their chosen pieces will beat the markets in their return on investment.

Turns out, art is as good an investment as any - and there's no shortage of amazing artists here in South Florida - we're just in need of a bit more encouragement into the realm of fearless innovation to spark our creativity outside the boxes that we all grow so comfortable with here, maybe it's the marine soil. So, in a way Art Basel's focus on international art is good for us, stretches our conceptions of what makes good art.

I'm looking forward to what Basel has in store for us this year... hoping to find some inspiration for the future of our species and the planet we inhabit... maybe some reflections of my wildest good dreams... and who knows, maybe I'll even find that one piece that will last a lifetime - one that includes some perspective on the world we're fighting to create... one based on investments in #truth #dignity #liberty #jutice


Here's a shot of my sis #AdrienneChadwick scouting out the best of show yesterday

Let's All Return What Was Taken: Repatriate Now

A  [Presentation abstract] B  [recently returned clay bowl] C  [Maya exhibition 2013-2024] D  [Teotihuacan, March 21, 20...