Monday, October 31, 2016

Development - Freedom - Justice

Just a few words this evening on the eve of Dias de los Muertos... a reminder, an encouragement, a perspective that is gaining traction in the spheres of business and policy innovation...  I'm talking about that old adage: don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Right now, a battle is brewing on the prairie, yes, that very prarie we all used to watch with love in our hearts for the simplicity, tenacity and perseverence of those beloved characters... a battle not unlike that of Alcatraz, Sand Creek or Wounded Knee... a battle where our police, troopers and national guard are being deployed with military grade weaponry to wage war on unarmed, peaceful descendents of Sitting Bull, Geronimo, Crazy Horse, Chief Joseph.  The crime? Attempting to protect our common water resources from destruction by an energy company determined to complete a 1000+ mile oil pipeline from the northern to the southern edge of that prairie.

The tactics haven't apparently changed much... surveillance, smear campaign, bait and switch, false victory, intimidation, humiliation, dehumanization, non-consentual experimental weapon test subjects... seems like we've been through this before... in the 1600's, 1700's, 1800's, 1900's and what's happening now is just a replay with a small upgrade in landing gear. It's gettin old & boring.

Time for the people who populate this island to wake up. Take note. Stop hitting the snooze button. And start acting as though we are the ones who are responsible for this state of affairs. This island is our responsibility and we need to acknowledge and then get down to it. Read. Be aware. Ask questions. Formulate solutions. Be tenacious. 

Our future is based on the actions we take or choose to ignore today. A future based on development that considers Earth's resources as relatives to be respected and used as needed with kindess, love and appreciation... where everone's wellbeing, including those whose voices are not so easily heard, is accounted for... where the job goes not to the highest or lowest bidder, but the one who can demonstrate the capacity to incorporate everyone's voice... now that's a framework worth investing in! 

No matter how great we become, we are all still children of our Mother Earth, it's her garden that feeds us, and her water that keeps on providing life for us all. Let's choose to work with her these next 10,000 years, shall we?

Let's All Return What Was Taken: Repatriate Now

A  [Presentation abstract] B  [recently returned clay bowl] C  [Maya exhibition 2013-2024] D  [Teotihuacan, March 21, 20...