Tuesday, June 11, 2019

99 red poppies

On this 99th anniversary of the birth of my paternal grandmother, and in the absence of a digital record of her life, I will write her a memorial obituary, now that the fog of losing her have lifted a little, after fifteen years.

Annie Yvonne Iona Chadwick nee Hutchings
Born 1920 Quebec City
Died 2004 Scarborough

My grandmother was my best friend, mentor, confidante, supporter and provider of a special and unique type of unconditional love.  She was tough yet fragile, brilliant yet humble. She had a million stories yet she always prefered to draw out the stories of others rather than share her own. She was adamant that she did not want people looking at pictures of her after her death...   But her rockery was her landscape engineering pride and joy, so here is one of her checking in on the woman enjoying a moment on the slate slabs that appear to have been recently constructed... my best guess is that is likely Mrs. Hunter, from two doors down. Perhaps my dad will remember....

It is my grandmother who taught me to make time for walking, enjoying the wind and learning about the plants that surround us. She lit fires on the days that were darker, wetter or colder than the others. She took me to see ballets and operettas and she loved hearing classical music playing on her kitchen radio... the only form of media she consumed on a daily basis. My grandmother was so very careful about what she allowed into her body, and into her home. Once, she scolded me for bringing in items that were over packaged that resulted in doubling her weekly garbage output, which was one small plastic bag full. Everything else was either avoided at the source, or composted in the backyard bin. A lifelong member donor to Pollution Probe, my grandmother was equally careful about what we put back out into the environment from inside our home. Fires in the fire place were carefully monitored to ensure that plant based products only found their way up the chimney stack....

I hope as I continue my journey through adulthood, I can aquire some of the traits she had.... the balance between careful and carefree attitude, the service to community and an unwavering commitment to support life through her relationship with the earth and her community.

I love you... and miss you... and as your second great grandson reminds me... I know you are also always with us.... thank you for your service and love.

Let's All Return What Was Taken: Repatriate Now

A  [Presentation abstract] B  [recently returned clay bowl] C  [Maya exhibition 2013-2024] D  [Teotihuacan, March 21, 20...