Friday, December 21, 2018

Reflections on Water for Life Decade

A decade ago, we built a bridge to the future spanning the infinite past to what we hope will a be a future paved with harmony...

Ten years ago I was engaged in an intense effort to increase environmental literacy and motivate behavior change that would result in measurable improvements in our local efforts to achieve sustainability.

One of the many workshops and train-the-trainer sessions that was organized, developed and implemented during that #decadeforwater was the Giganawendamin Nibi Women and Water leadership retreat. At that time, the three day workshop served as a much needed break to strategize, synchronize and share knowledge among a multicultural and multi-generational cohort of women leaders.

What follows is a short post I wrote as a guest writer for Sacred Horewoman, a blog by Renee Sans Souci. Here are my wintery thoughts upon returning from one of many workshops and events we were working on at that time.

Cover Art for "Giganawendamin Nibi"by Sharon M. Day
2006 World Water Council Local Actions, Global Change
Kyoto Prize Global Semifinalist

Let's All Return What Was Taken: Repatriate Now

A  [Presentation abstract] B  [recently returned clay bowl] C  [Maya exhibition 2013-2024] D  [Teotihuacan, March 21, 20...