Monday, July 31, 2023

Monarchs & Milkweed Bioblitz


Dearest Colleagues & Collaborators:

Welcome to the final days of our epically short summer! Only three weeks now 'till the first day of school and there's still so much summer fun and back to school prep still to make happen. I want to remind you of my open invitation to participate in #PapalotlProject. There are several different ways we can cogenerate exciting interactive enrichment opportunities for yourselves and for your communities.

1. Join the bioblitz this week by taking photos of milkweed, monarchs, flowers or other butterflies and send them along with your name and location & tag #PapalotlProject.

2. Sign up to request a #PapalotlProject presentation in person or via livestream in September to participate in the 2023-24 symbolic migration.

3. Attend an upcoming #PapalotlProject presentation at Sunset Lakes Community Center (dates attached below).

Let me know if you'd like to meet to receive your complimentary seed packet of milkweed or marigold flowers - it's a perfect time to plant now for autumn flowers!!

Yours truly,

Tara Chadwick


Let's All Return What Was Taken: Repatriate Now

A  [Presentation abstract] B  [recently returned clay bowl] C  [Maya exhibition 2013-2024] D  [Teotihuacan, March 21, 20...