Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Post your thoughts on #PapalotlProject!

This spring marks the one year anniversary of a pilot project to reach the youngest and oldest of our communities with opportunities to share knowledge through art, science, music and agriculture. 

#PapalotlProject at Miramar Community Services
by Adrienne Chadwick (c) 2022

If you are or have recently attended a #PapalotlProject event, please take a moment to help measure our impact with your insights on seven short questions. Remember to hit "submit" at the end. If you have any issues or need an alternative format, call or text your email address to 786-671-8272. #PapalotlProject 7Qs. You can also have a friend or family member complete the form with you by scanning this code with a smartphone camera then clicking on "open in browser."

Your feedback is important to us and will be incorporated as we plan for the future.

Thank you!!

Alternately, this entire message can also be viewed, shared (and translated) from/to any device by scanning, clicking or copying and pasting the information below into your google browser:


Friday, February 17, 2023

Global Tourism Resilience

To mark this Global Tourism Resilience Day, I am announcing the inclusion of #PapalotlProject in the effort to attain #sustainabledevelopment. 

By conducting local efforts to cogenerate solutions to persistent challenges such as poverty, water quality, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, the Papalotl Project is helping to achieve the #globalgoals. 

Join me for #worldwaterweek or #earthday and learn how you can participate in #sdgaction49893.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

A Decade of Dedication to Seminole Contemporary Artists

In honor of all the wonderful endeavors currently unfurling, and the many incredible collaborators I've had the opportunity to serve and work with these past 10 years, here is a brief timeline of #ContemporarySeminoleArt exhibitions I've curated at The New River Inn Museum of History dba History Fort Lauderdale (formerly Fort Lauderdale Historical Society.) 

Special thanks to all the co-curators, doers, encourages, instigators and to #ElginJumper for starting it all and to the late great #JimmyOsceola for always fanning the fire. 

2022 #ChonoThleeSparkingANewEraInSeminoleArt









Tara A Chadwick

Sunday, February 5, 2023


This rainy Sunday evening, I am taking just a few moments to pause and reflect on yet another dear one called home this week. Joe Martineau, Awan-iban, I am already missing your presence here. Though we may not have seen other in person this past decade, your presence and the work you did on behalf of us all requires a massive recalibration of all the kindness and hopefulness in the world. Your kindness was exponential, remarkable. I am forever grateful for the enormous feeling of trust, belief and encouragement I always notice from you whener we were faced with a new task. Thank you for all the moccasins you made, for all the pelts you tanned, and for encouraging us all to learn and practice the important traditions that help us to live a good and balanced life. Thank you for all the visits, laughs and inspiration. Thank you for supporting me and so many others in our life and community work. Thank you also for swinging by for our farewell visit. 

We will keep your encouraging words and memories close to our hearts and keep going. 

Until we meet again later, Awan-iban.

Love, Bawshkeengwabigun 🪻

Let's All Return What Was Taken: Repatriate Now

A  [Presentation abstract] B  [recently returned clay bowl] C  [Maya exhibition 2013-2024] D  [Teotihuacan, March 21, 20...