Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Road to the Equinox...

On this year's observance of  #InternationalIndigenousWomensDay there is so much to be thankful for while also acknowledging how many concerning items we must consider.

I celebrated the day, like many if not most women across the globe, by rising before dawn, waking my two children, drawing water into the filtration system, ensuring my children are clothed, groomed and fed, and getting them off to school before getting myself to work.

After school I picked them up, dragged them to the local school board meeting so they could voice their opinions on the need for continued district funding for art and science fieldtrips, fed them, helped them with homework, and put them to bed before washing dishes, washing clothes and drawing water again for the next day's cooking and drinking. 

In between I fielded work and personal calls, considered the many house and self care tasks that just don't always get done, planned the weekend #miamirising climate justice art events we will participate in, and spent at least 60 minutes more than I should have on social media catching up with friends, family and whatever real news snippets make it through the mathematical algorithms to reach my eyes.

Now it's to fold and put away the laundry while the little one sleeps and the high schooler finishes off the last of the homework due. Meanwhile I do my best to allay the constant worry of health, bills and wellness, which seems so simple and yet turns out to be so very complicated in this moment in history...

Good, strong thoughts to you, my fellow warriors, as we prepare to set off in the battle to strive toward completing another day of daily life in the war against oblivion....


P.S. After writing and before publishing this post, I did manage to at least boil a pot of cedar tea, so I'm happy to report checking at least one item off on the care list, thanks for the encouragement....  ;)

Let's All Return What Was Taken: Repatriate Now

A  [Presentation abstract] Presentation clip  B  [recently returned clay bowl] C  [Maya exhibition 2013-2024] D  [Teotih...