Tuesday, January 31, 2017

We make the Road....

We make the road by walking... an old proverb, cliche even, but words of wisdom which I find myself even more in need of these days than usual.

Spent the day at #MAMP2017 with an incredible cadre of artists, businesses, organizations, administrators and consumers of every type and genre of art you can imagine.

Thanks to a gracious last minute scholarship from #BrowardArts for this sold out conference, I got a whole lot of tips, tricks, advise and more importantly practice in translating what I do to an audience of potential donors, supporters, sponsors and funders. It was not an easy task by any means!

Definitely need a lot more practice to hone those communication skills to transfer my messaging to a group of investors, so different from the cozy, like minded social networks I'm used to operating within. Nope, this was my version of shark tank - and I actually get along quite well with sharks, just not humans who think like them! Far far removed from the ideals of community wellness and readiness for behavior change that are more familar terrain for me. Interesting thing is, though, the desired outcomes for influencing behavior, motivating action and evaluating impact still shine through! So maybe its just the process and jargon that seem so divergent. In any case, the day sure got me thinking, stretching, learning and appreciating the opportunity to meet some sparkling colleagues, allies and experts in this vast field we know as a fundamental right and necessity for all people of all ages... art.

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Let's All Return What Was Taken: Repatriate Now

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