Sunday, August 28, 2022

Women's Club Kudos & Closing day reflections on virtually visiting Zurich.

Today marks closing day for my inaugural artistic presence at the Zurich main train station Swiss Art Expo... part of a year long  exploration of ways to broaden and deepen my art impact. The experience has been deeply gratifying, it has definitely made me want to come and visit in person. I have learned so much about the organization and process of engaging in an international exhibition with over 100 artists and curators. But the awareness that has developed most for me through all of this is the importance of detailed communication and outreach for both onsite and offsite audiences and artists. 

My hope for expanding the geography of my art message was to see if I could use visual art as a way to inspire fellow human beings to notice, appreciate and take action in support of our land, air and water. Because in doing so, we also bring hope and wellness to ourselves and all the beings with whom we share this home called Earth. For more information about my #GoldenHour series, see Global Day of Climate Action collaboration.

Thank you so much Kaitlin Maier and American Women’s Club Zurich for coming to enjoy the #SwissArtExpo art party yesterday, and for sharing with me these photos that give a sense of how my work appeared within the historic Haupbanofplatz. 

You can learn more about yesterday's art party or today's closing events at #swissartexpo on my Instagram page @wabigun.

Thank you again Kaitlin, American womens Club Zurich, and the amazing team @swissartexpo.

Next stop: a virtual contemporary performance at Medina Gallery, Rome September 16-29. Details will be posted soon at FB /wabigun.

Thank you all for your support!

Yours truly,
Tara A. Chadwick

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